Join me for FREE Write-In sessions the first Wednesday and/or third Thursday of the month!

3 Types of Editing and the Differences Between Them

Write like nobody will ever read it. Edit like the whole world will quote by sharon melton lippencott with yellow paint splatter around the edges

“Editing” is a pretty all-inclusive term. Many people use it interchangeably with “proofreading,” thinking the goal is the same. You want clean written content, right? Isn’t that what matters? Well, yes. But clean content is not always the only thing that matters. Editing can be an all-encompassing process, depending on the writer’s end goal. If […]

10 Writing Prompts to Recharge Your Creativity

We are well into the second quarter of the year. How have your 2024 writing goals for 2024 been going? You don’t have to answer. But if you’re feeling convicted by that question – or you’re just ready to step up your writing game a notch, then keep reading. Writing is a discipline. But it […]

On a scale of 1-10, where is your creative energy?

I always find a new year to be a time of tremendous excitement and motivation when it comes to my writing goals and creative projects. But I know not everyone feels that way, and outside circumstances often have a tremendous bearing on the trajectory of our creative lives. That’s why I recently posed this question […]

September 2023 Events & Opportunities

person holding blue ballpoint pen writing in notebook

Sept 6 – Write-In, 11 a.m. MT, Zoom Sept 12 – Women in Networking (WIN) presentation, Rapid City, SD Sept 22-23 – SD Festival of Books, Deadwood, SD Sept 20 – Write-In, 6:30 p.m. MT, Zoom Sept 28 – SUBMIT IT! 4 p.m. MT, Zoom Questions? Feel free to reach out! Send me an email […]