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A membership community for writers at all levels to move from stuck, fearful and uncertain to inspired, confident and driven in the direction of their stories.

Inside The Writers Salon, we'll help you commit to a writing life where you see progress on your creative work every day.

Community is a crucial part of a writing life. With 25+ years of experience writing, editing and coaching, we know well the highs and the lows of the writing life. Writing is lonely work. Stephen King himself says,

“Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference. They don’t have to make speeches. Usually just believing is enough.”
– On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

To that end, at Kate Meadows Writing & Editing, we maintain a dynamic writing community that includes:

  • monthly 1-1 coaching calls to talk about your work specifically
  • “Hot Seat” invitations to receive feedback on up works-in-progress

  • one dedicated email per month that celebrates membership wins and includes a monthly writing challenge, writing prompt, motivational thought and community announcements
  • built-in time to work on your writing alongside other writers in the community
  • access to a monthly office hour, where you can ask anything about writing, a specific writing project or the creative process
  • option to be connected to an accountability partner to trade feedback on work and check in on writing goals

Regardless of where or how you show up to the community table, take the next step today to join a writing community of some kind. For more thoughts on writing communities...