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KAte Meadows Writing & Editing
Everyone has a story inside of them. Regardless of whether you consider yourself a writer, you are surrounded by stories. Many people have an idea for a story or a book that they want to explore on the page, but they are fearful. They are fearful that:
they won’t be able to clearly communicate the story and its significance
they won’t have time to devote to writing (especially if it’s a full-fledged book)
they don’t know enough about writing to get a story down (let alone a whole book)
no one will care what they have to say
As a result, they may choose to ignore the story, bury a creative idea. Yet, they will continue to wonder, what if?
What if I pursue this idea, despite my fears and insecurities?
What if I could write the book I envision?
What if my story could make a difference in just one person’s life?
What if?
What if I told you that your story or your book idea IS worth pursuing? What if you could make it come to life with the help of a trusted guide, a published writer and proven editor who has wrestled with these very fears? What if you had the support of a trained wordsmith, someone who knows the ins and outs of the messy creative process, the value of accountability, how to move a story forward?
At Kate Meadows Writing & Editing, I have helped dozens of writers (including those pressed for time, juggling too many distractions or simply afraid to move forward) see their way to the finish line of their stories. I meet you where you are along the storytelling journey, whether that’s at the very beginning, somewhere in the messy middle, or at the end wondering, “now what?”
As a published writer and a creative problem solver with 35+ years of combined writing and editing experience, I can help you more clearly see and make sense of the story you want to tell, even if that story is hard:
We help writers who feel frustrated by or fearful of the creative writing process find clarity and direction with their stories, through compassionate listening, in-depth conceptualizing and robust editing. If you want to get clear on your story, bring your idea to life and reach more people, then you’re in the right place. We’ll help you create work you will be proud of. We’ll help you leave a legacy.
How can we help you bring your idea or your brand to life through story?
I offer free 20-minute discovery calls where we talk about your writing project and how Kate Meadows Writing & Editing can help you move that project to the next level. Schedule your free call today!
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